the scotts

the scotts
the day our forever began... 3.28.15

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The one thing missing...

Abigail here!! This probably isn't the article you were expecting to read on a blog of a young, newly wed couple who just started this blog mainly to post wedding pictures and updates on our daily life. But after seeing several alarming things about this certain pressing issue in our world and people's response to it, I couldn't contain what is burning in my heart. Thankful for the freedom of speech, may we use it to stand for TRUTH and honor the Creator of the universe.

To be honest, I am so tired of all these posts about Bruce Jenner. I didn't even know who he was other than hearing his name occasionally, and now it's plastered all over every social media about his "heroic sex change". It seems to me that people who are deeming him as such are forgetting something. Their opinion battles and arguments are missing the most important thing known to man.

I'm not going to waste the time writing my opinion, because everyone has their own and they are most likely not going to change theirs upon reading another. But I would like to speak out on the truth that people really do need to be concerned about... the one thing that is looked over and dismissed from people of the world... and that thing is the fear of God.

How can we be so torn up over whether or not he is a hero, if what he did was wrong or right in our eyes, how we feel about his decision, or anything else of that matter when the only person we need to be concerned about is God and how HE sees us and our desperately wicked human hearts?? After all, HE is the one we will ALL one day stand before when time is over. There will be no one there in your defense. No one to give their opinion on your sin and how bad it was in their eyes. Only God and God alone.

The good news is, God is a loving AND forgiving God. He is not one without the other. He created Bruce Jenner and loves him because He died for the very sins of his heart, JUST AS MUCH as He died for yours and mine. There is just as much forgiveness waiting for Bruce Jenner as there is for you and I when we come to Jesus, repent from the wickedness of our heart, and surrender our lives to HIS WILL for us. Because in fact, life isn't about you. It's not about me. It's not about our self-glorifying choices or the daily self-gratification that all of us seek and desire. It is in fact about Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lord's who knows you because He created you, loves you, and has a distinct purpose for YOUR LIFE that you can only accomplish in HIS power and not your own. We need to get the vision of eternity in our hearts, time is short and Jesus is returning soon to take those who have accepted Him to heaven forever to be with God.

If anything, look at your self. Take a hard cold look into your own heart. If you are saved, are you living the life God has called you out for? Daily walking in His strength and not your own? Are you just as "judgeable" for the sin you are leaving excused and untouched in your life? It's time we repent and turn back to God and His ways.

And secondly, time is running out too quickly to not seriously ask yourself the following question;

Where will I spend eternity?

Friend, God loves you and sent His only Son to die for your sins so you don't have to pay the price. He rose again three days later to give you eternal life. Would you repent today? Believe on Jesus and He will come into your heart and life and make you a new person. 

Romans 10:9-10 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

Don't go another day without knowing for sure that you yourself are right with God, guilt free, and will be spending YOUR eternity with God. All judging of others aside, you can only make the choice for YOU. 

I challenge you today, let's quit trying in our own knowledge and pride to sort out the matters of this world. The LORD is the only one who gives true wisdom (Prov. 2:6), He originated wisdom before the earth even existed. Let's focus on the only thing that truly matters in light of eternity... and let the truth of His Word fill our hearts. 

"He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them. The Lord preserveth all them that love Him: but all the wicked will He destroy." Psalm 145:19-20

God bless you all,


Monday, June 1, 2015

week update...

Hello family and friends! I hope this update post finds you truly having a good day. So many little things can make a day go blissful, or disastrous, or just plane old mundane. We are always learning to find joy in the small things, work through the hard things together and in prayer, and thank the Lord in ALL things. Simple thought, but truth that we miss sometimes in the business of life. "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice." Philippians 4:4

We have so much to thank the Lord for from the past week!!! First, my dad is doing better. As many of you know, he had a seizure Friday morning. Brandon and I were planning on being there that night anyways, but when we heard the news Brandon took off work and we headed there on Friday morning. Thankfully, all of his tests came back clear and we are just praying that he continues to recover as he is tired and weak and still a little delirious. It was a scary situation, especially for my Mama who thought he was dying in her arms, and for my brother who helped her call the ambulance. Praise the Lord nothing serious is wrong, and my mom is researching and doing all she  knows to prevent it from happening again. We know he is in good hands both with her and the Lord!

I love you, Daddy! I'm so glad you're okay!!
Here's some pictures from our weekend with my family! The guys went putt-putting and go kart-ing Saturday. Mama and I had a wonderful time out shopping together. ;)
Late night shenanigans. (Not sure about Gray's mustache......)
Oh brothers...

Daddy has done model rockets for as long as I can remember. He would come into mine and Madelyn's classes when we were in Christian school and do rocket presentations, he even sells a model rocket he designed and created, and it's still a fun summer evening activity we love to do. We had a blast shooting them off in the baseball field!! 

Gray caught every single one out of the air! :D
Mama and I had so much fun in the kitchen together! Our "Hello Summer" creation. ;)
What a wonderful Sunday at Lakeside Baptist Church, the last time we were there we were getting MARRIED!!! The feelings and memories were special in the least <3
I love my family and they mean so much to me. It really wasn't the same without Madelyn and we missed her so much!!!
This handsome dude has gotten even TALLER since our wedding!!
After a sad "see-you-soon", we visited with one of our favorite families!! We had a great time of fun and fellowship at the Salmons, and enjoyed good food too! I loved seeing my little loves that I miss so much.

 Here's some pictures from last weekends adventures, my family reunion and memorial day at Mom and Dad Scott's!!!
We got to see our Mimi, Aunt Elaine, and Aunt Eloise as well as soo many others I love that are not pictured :( Guess we were having too much fun to think about pictres!!

We had an awesome memorial day with Mom and Dad Scott and PawPaw!! It was full of good food, fireworks, and adventures outside. What a fun summer night of fellowship with family!!! <3

We are happy and blessed to have such special family on both sides. What full weeks we have that always seem to fly by... but we wouldn't have it any other way!!
Praising Jesus~
Abigail and Brandon